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Results For Solar Companies

We help solar companies unlock revenue potential through applied strategy and technology consulting.

What value do we offer our clients?

We provide recommendations, strategies and tactical plans for implementation by our clients’ internal teams or our network of partners and suppliers.

This results in the following for our solar company clients:

  • Improved awareness of our clients' brand, services and products
  • Increased qualified lead generation
  • Lead management strategies that result in improved return on ad spend and conversion rates
  • Alignment between Marketing, Sales, Operations and Service teams for greater efficiency
  • Streamlined technology stack and business intelligence systems that result in process improvements and insights from data
  • Improved client engagement and satisfaction that results in referrals and positive testimonials

How we work with our solar clients

  1. We start with a discovery phase to understand your strategic objectives and current pain points
  2. We do a deep dive into your business, focused on marketing, sales, operations and service teams
  3. We unpack the critical success factors, barriers to growth and the external and internal landscape.

Our work results in strategic and tactical recommendations. We work closely with your internal teams and our network of partners and associates to implement the strategic plan and measure results.

How we charge our clients

Ultimately, the value we offer is not in our services but rather in the results we bring for our clients. We therefore do not offer a service-based or time-based model but rather medium- to long-term engagements. These are on a monthly retainer basis or a share of revenue basis. Our pricing and compensation model is therefore value-based and not hourly or project based.

We charge our clients for the value we offer and not for hours, unlike other consultancies. 

Since we are a specialist, boutique and highly niched consultancy focused on the solar industry, we find this model works for everyone involved.

Who do we work with?

Typically our clients:

  • Are mid to high-tier solar companies (implement at least 100 solar installations per year)
  • Have an internal marketing and sales team
  • Want to grow and make their operations more efficient
  • Believe the solar client should be put front and centre of everything they do
  • Are using a CRM (or intend to use a CRM) to efficiently handle leads and sales opportunities
  • Value integrity and transparency, without using hard-sell techniques or tricks to try and sell solar

If your solar company ticks these boxes, please contact us and let's have an initial chat to see if we're a good fit.

We'll send you a link to our calendar and you can select an open day and time that suits you for a quick half hour virtual call.



We've partnered with the team at Sunvoy to grow your solar business

Experience the power of Sunvoy to skyrocket growth for your solar business.

Imagine all the power of HubSpot custom-built for solar

We've partnered with the team at SunCRM to grow your solar business with HubSpot.
