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Advisory Services

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Our advisory service packages are built on best practices and proven methodologies.

Strategic recommendations are implemented with our guidance through your internal team and/or our external implementation partners where relevant (quoted separately).

Package terms: monthly retainer

Package 1: Foundations

Package Overview:

The "Foundations" package is designed to help solar companies establish a solid operational base across key business functions like marketing, sales, and service. This package is focused on laying the groundwork for sustainable growth and revenue operations (RevOps) alignment.

Outcomes and Value:

  • Stability and Growth: The goal is to position your solar business for long-term success by implementing best practices
  • Cross-functional Integration: Ensures the marketing, sales, and service departments are aligned with foundational RevOps principles, setting up a strong framework for efficiency and scalability

Areas Covered:

  • Ideal Client Profiles (ICPs): This helps in clearly identifying your target audience, which is crucial for effective marketing and sales efforts
  • Brand Positioning: Ensures your company's unique value proposition is clearly defined, helping differentiate in the competitive solar market
  • Marketing Strategy: A strategic approach to reach and engage the target market
  • RevOps Strategy: Focuses on aligning marketing, sales, and service teams to ensure seamless operations and revenue growth
  • Technology Review: Evaluates current tools (like CRM systems, automation tools) and suggests improvements to enhance operational efficiency
  • Website & SEO Review: Ensures your company’s digital presence is optimised for visibility and user engagement
  • Email Marketing Foundations: Establishes strong email marketing practices to nurture leads and drive conversions
  • Paid Advertising Review: Evaluates and recommends improvements to paid advertising strategies
  • Analytics and Reporting Foundations: Lays the groundwork for tracking performance, so the business can make data-driven decisions

Estimated duration: approximately 4 months 

Your investment: $27,400 (R480k) billed as a monthly retainer over the engagement period

Package 2: Advanced Marketing 

The Advanced Marketing package builds on the foundations set in Package 1 by adding a deep, tactical focus on multi-channel marketing strategies designed to drive lead generation, brand awareness, and conversion rate optimization. It is a comprehensive solution for solar companies looking to maximize their marketing potential across both digital and traditional platforms.

Outcomes and Value:

  • A detailed marketing strategy tailored to your solar company's needs
  • Tactical plans designed for lead generation, brand growth, and improved conversion rates
  • Enhanced automation and advanced reporting through a data-driven approach

Areas Covered:

Multi-Channel Lead Generation:

  • Paid media (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads)
  • Organic lead generation through SEO and content marketing
  • Traditional marketing strategies (e.g. print, events)
  • Social media marketing (both organic and paid)

Setting Marketing Budgets, KPIs, and Targets:

  • Establishing clear budget allocation across channels
  • Defining KPIs for each marketing channel (e.g., cost per lead, ROI)
  • Setting monthly or quarterly targets for lead generation, conversions, and brand awareness

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) and Lead Nurture Strategies:

  • Implementing CRO techniques across landing pages, forms, and CTAs
  • Developing lead nurture email workflows to move leads down the funnel

Marketing Automation and Email Marketing:

  • Advanced marketing automation using tools like HubSpot, streamlining the lead nurturing process
  • Personalised email marketing campaigns targeting different segments of the client base

Marketing Analytics:

  • Comprehensive web analytics to track user behavior and conversions
  • Paid media analytics to measure ad performance and ROI
  • SEO and social media analytics to gauge organic performance
  • Creation of KPI dashboards for monitoring marketing performance in real time

User Experience (UX) and Website Optimization:

  • Assessing and improving website usability to enhance visitor engagement
  • Optimising navigation, content structure, and load times to improve the user journey

Public Relations (PR), Reputation Management and Social Media Influencer Marketing:

  • PR campaigns to raise the profile of your solar company
  • Reputation management strategies to monitor and protect your company’s image
  • Leveraging influencer marketing to boost brand credibility and reach

Estimated duration: approximately 6 months

Your investment: $41,000 (R720k)

Package 3: Advanced Sales, Ops and Service

The Advanced Sales, Ops and Service package expands upon the foundations laid in Package 1, with a deep focus on optimising sales, operations, and service processes. This package is designed to enhance team alignment and streamline processes, leading to improved client satisfaction, increased revenue and sustainable profitability.

Outcomes and Value:

  • Alignment between marketing, sales, operations and service teams, ensuring a seamless client experience
  • Improved process efficiency across sales, operations and service functions, resulting in higher revenue and profitability
  • Full lead management system, from lead scoring and prioritisation to conversion
  • Enhanced sales processes through automation and best practices tailored to the solar industry

Areas Covered:

  1. Best Practice for Sales in the Solar Industry:
    • Tailored sales approaches specific to the solar industry, focusing on solar client pain points, objections and long sales cycles
  2. Delivering Excellent Service:
    • Implement consistent service delivery practices to ensure a high level of client satisfaction, word-of-mouth referrals and long-term retention
  3. Lead Management, Lead Scoring, and Lead Prioritisation:
    • Implementation of a system for lead management, ensuring proper lead scoring and prioritisation of leads based on value and likelihood to convert
  4. Sales Processes and Automation:
    • Streamline sales processes with automation tools, CRM systems and lead nurturing workflows
  5. Solar Technologies for Efficiency:
    • Introduce and integrate technologies that improve sales, service, and operations, such as CRM tools, automation platforms and solar-specific software solutions
  6. Tracking and Reporting of Sales and Service KPIs:
    • Establish a system for tracking sales and service performance through key metrics, ensuring continuous improvement

This package offers a comprehensive approach to optimising the core functions of sales, operations, and service, leading to improved solar client experience, better internal alignment and higher profitability for your solar business.

Estimated duration: approximately 6 months

Your investment: $41,000 (R720k)


Short engagements

We offer shorter 1-month engagements as refreshers, or for those clients who need assistance in specific functions only. 
Outcomes and value you get:
Best practice strategies, playbooks and tactical plans to add value to a specific functional area.
Short engagements are offered for these functional areas:
  • Paid advertising
  • Content marketing
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
  • Email marketing 
  • Branding, brand positioning and Ideal Customer Profiles
  • Lead management, lead scoring and lead conversion rate
  • Sales and Service foundations
  • Marketing and CRM technology review
  • HubSpot CRM onboarding and foundational setup
Your investment: $6,900 (R120k) per 1-month engagement

Who do we work with?

Typically our clients:

  • Are mid to high-tier solar companies (implement at least 100 solar installations per year)
  • Have an internal marketing and sales team
  • Want to grow and make their operations more efficient
  • Believe the solar client should be put front and centre of everything they do
  • Are using a CRM (or intend to use a CRM) to efficiently handle leads and sales opportunities
  • Value integrity and transparency, without using hard-sell techniques or tricks to try and sell solar

If your solar company ticks these boxes, please contact us and let's have an initial chat to see if we're a good fit.

We'll send you a link to our calendar and you can select an open day and time that suits you for a quick half hour virtual call.

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